October 23, 2007

Week 11: Rhythmic Editing Exercise


Repeat variations on the above pattern 43 more times

Add 40 more frames - freestyle

And you have a film that's exactly 1 minute.

October 20, 2007

Weeks 9&10: One-Shot Bolextravaganzahhh!

What a way to finish our stint with film (now, the 6X1 class moves videoward)! Today, the 6X1 class produced 4 one-minute films shot on 16mm, then processed and finally transferred to video - all within 4 hours. Though the class was divided into groups of 3 and 4, the groups intermingled and created tiny films on a grand scale. Blue-afro space cats, sombrero decked guitaristas, brainy monsters and others coexisted in surreal harmony.

The weather was great - a little warm for October - but sunny, really sunny - so sunny that we had to ditch our original darkroom because despite great efforts to black out the windows, sun insisted on peaking through. So we developed film in the guys' bathroom with a couple of tubs of chemicals and a red flashlight.

October 4, 2007

Week 7: Life After Rayograms and Contact Printing

This week, we transferred about 5 minutes of 16mm hi-con footage to video with the goal of editing the footage in such a way as to present a one-minute trajectory with a beginning, middle and end. Sound will really facilitate the making of a whole from the fragments. And, of course, how the image track(s) is edited will determine the thread or story of your one-minute films. But beyond simply cutting and pasting, you might also play with colorizing the video, slowing it down or compositing two or more clips. The example above shows these techniques, starting with an unmodified clip of film.